YPAA Convention in Italy
The name ITALYPAA stands for Italian YPAA where YPAA stands for Young People Alcoholics Anonymous.
This name is similar all over the world.
In Europe, for example, there are currently SCANCYPAA (Scandinavian YPAA), IREYPAA (Ireland YPAA), UKYPAA (UK UK YPAA), SWENCYPAA (Swedish YPAA) as well as the well known EURYPAA (Europe YPAA) which took place in Rome in 2015.
This AA seminar grew out of the experience of AA events in America, the first in 1957. Bill W. himself had written a letter to the 12th ICYPAA YPAA seminar (International Conference YPAA).
Bill W. wrote to the committee organising it that it was called the 12th International Conference of Young People in AA (ICYPAA) in Philadelphia in 1969:
‘...in recent years I have found no greater inspiration knowing that the A.A. of tomorrow will be
safe, and certainly magnificent, considering you are the youngest generation of A.A. today.’
The next ICYPAA conference will be held in Boston and will be the 61st in a row.
ITALYPAA began as a follow up to the EURYPAA meeting held in Rome in 2015, where some Italian alcoholics young in age or heart had the opportunity to meet and get to know each other, discovering a common desire to create a similar AA event in Italy as well.
ITALYPAA, like all this type of convention, moves cities every year, in 2018 it was in Milan, in 2019 in Vicenza and in 2022 it will be in Bologna, just as Eurypaa was in Vilnius in 2018 and will be held in Spain in 2019 and will be in Poland in 2022, an event where it will also be decided where it will take place in 2023.
By ‘young’ we mean all those who are willing to grow up, alcoholism has no barriers, including age. ITALYPAA is an AA event that has as its sole purpose the transmission of the AA message.
AA International Convention
Meetings are held in both Italian and English. Speakers from all over the world participate and simultaneous translation is provided.